Thursday, November 20, 2008

im posting on my sister-in-laws new mini laptop...its fabulous...i want one sooooooooo bad....omg they are fabulous.

That is all!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So i've seriously been considering changing my major to sociology. I talked to my professor and she seemed really excited about the idea. I just love all aspects of it. So she wants me to schedule an appointment with her to talk about where i need to go from here, career options with a BA in Sociolgy, and just overall discussion about sociology...I am super excited.

In other news, Riley and I are doing well. He's been sick the last couple days. It's this throat-y, sinus-y thing going around. A bunch of our friends had it and now he's got it. Thankfully, I haven't been feeling bad at all...(fingers crossed).

I miss my sister-in-law. I haven't seen her in over a week...that sounds really lame but we usually see eachother like every other day. :(

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

I love this!! Very classy Pundit Kitchen!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is a wonderful day in America!!