Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I feel like such a slacker lately. I feel like I suck at everything. I feel like nothing is as important as it used to be. I'm tired ALL of the time. I feel like no matter how much sleep I get, it's never enough. Things really don't interest me anymore. It takes everything out of me to get out of bed in the morning. I skipped my one class yesterday because I just couldn't wake up. I think I'm depressed and I just feel like I cannot get out of this funk. I can't afford to slack off in school anymore. I know I have to make a change but I just don't feel like I have any energy. I don't know what to do. I don't want to make anyone worried...I know I have to ultimatly figure this out on my own but I'm just so tired of being tired. I try to talk to Riley about it, but he just doesn't understand...and I can't fault him for that. He is a wonderful boyfriend and I love him, I just don't know how to get my head back above water.


Nicole said...

Oh I have so been there. Rather recently too. It sounds like it is a mixture of depression and lack of energy. Talk to a doctor and get something for the depression. Then start exercising. I am a member of a gym so I would be willing to go with you if you join there. If you need anyone to talk to, you know my number.

Kim said...

Hey, sweetie...hope you are better now...this was a few days ago. I would be willing to wager that this is some severe Riley missing going on...just remember, he will be back!
Love you bunches,
Aunt Kim